Comic: Stockings of temptation

Text only comic opening screen
Santa is about to place a gift on the floor underneath a Christmas tree
Santa notices a pair of pink stockings hanging from the fireplace
Santa is mesmerised by the pink stockings and stares in awe
Santa has removed his boots and trousers and begins to pull on the pink stockings
The man who lives in the house opens the door to the room and switches on the light
Santa looks up at the man
The man looks down at Santa
Santa and the man embrace
Ending screen of the comic
Stockings of temptation: picture 01
Stockings of temptation: picture 02
Stockings of temptation: picture 03
Stockings of temptation: picture 04
Stockings of temptation: picture 05
Stockings of temptation: picture 06
Stockings of temptation: picture 07
Stockings of temptation: picture 08
Stockings of temptation: picture 09
Stockings of temptation: picture 10
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