Double seepage: shiny with constipation
Pleasure and pain.
Art & design by Jake Cox
Pleasure and pain.
He knows when you’re asleep. He knows when you’re awake.
When Christmas dinner fights back.
A second Chrimbo design available.
Happening when you least expect it.
Summer is dead. Long live autumn.
A new T-shirt design added to the birds collection.
Smile and everybody’s happy.
I really need a model.
The little of bundle of smell lurks.
I’m just hearing a lot of noise.
A new T-shirt design for the hip hop heads.
What began as a random doodle ended up as a visual ode to black metal music.
A new T-shirt and birthday card design, all about the beer.
I’ve created a new bloodsucking product.
A new bird-based design added to my shop.
A quick scribble style design I created this week that I liked enough not to delete straight away.
Christmas is just around the corner (a very wide corner that takes about four months to go round).