
What the hell are these?

The following are all short stories I wanted to tell, illustrated in varying levels of quality. The content of these comics is often what may be considered weird by some and bizarre by the rest.

The aim of these stories is simply to amuse myself and anyone else who may have a similar warped sense of humour. My intention is never to offend, only raise a few chuckles and likely a few eyebrows too.

Are they drawn with crayons?

I hope you enjoy these ‘things’. If you’re at all interested in how I create them there is a little article explaining this which I call ‘The evolution/revulsion of my comics’.

Father’s Day

Released: 16 June 2024

Celebrating the magical bond between father and child.

Personal hell trainer

Released: 24 April 2022

It’s time to get serious at the gym.

Letters to Daddy Chrimbo

Released: 11 December 2021

Witness the magic of Christmas unfold as one little boy’s letter to Santa takes a wonderful journey to the North Pole.

Stockings of temptation

Released: 11 December 2021

Santa’s busiest night of the year is put on hold when he spots something truly irresistible hanging above a fireplace. 

Wash Your Hands

Released: 30 August 2020

It’s vital that you wash your hands after using the toilet otherwise bad things happen. If you do wash your hands, strange things may happen.

Available to do thy bidding at the auction of despair

Released: 18 April 2020

Threats have been issued and demands made. Accept their demands? Refuse them and risk untold terror? Or, perhaps, there is a third option.


Released: 19 April 2019

Natty1 explains what he would do in the theoretical situation of biscuit theft accusations being lodged against him.

The Workout

Released: 26 August 2012

Get off the sofa and get yourself to the gym for a workout that will exercise your muscles and inevitably leave you with some aches and pains the following few days – but that’s all part of the fun.


Released: 11 March 2012

A young man prepares for a hot date with eager anticipation but will he end up happy?

The Finest Fruit

Released: 18 September 2011

Passing a garden filled with luscious fruit and vegetables proves too much to resist for a well-dressed gentleman. Will he be granted a closer look by the gardener?

Recession Crunch Credit

Released: 26 November 2008

In times of financial difficulty, how will Britain cope?

What’s the worst that could happen… or is it?

Released: 14 June 2008

What happens when you let a friend stay the night at your place because he missed his last train home? In the majority of cases, nothing. Things CAN happen though.

Playtime Of Days Gone By

Released: 28 October 2007

Relive those innocent days of youth, when even the simplest playground game provided unlimited entertainment.

Love Sand-tuh-wich

Released: 5 August 2007

Two men compete for the ultimate prize; a delicious sandwich.

Are you ready? OK, let’s do this!

The Creation

Released: 21 October 2006

A strange customer arrives at a cloth shop. Shrouded in mystery this customer is here to collect a very special material.

Let the story begin.

Take Care

Released: 29 May 2006

Some people just don’t take enough care of themselves and that’s when horrible accidents happen.

My First Christmas Without You

Released: 4 December 2005

A lonely man sits by an open fire, thinking of the love he lost the previous year.


Released: 29 October 2005

More dangerous than any other drug, “Egg n’ Chives” is an addictive and very smelly combination.

People need to be warned of the bad effects of “E n’ C” and this hopefully does just that. Be safe.

You Bastard

Released: 21 May 2005

Next time you’re walking alone at night let’s hope you don’t encounter a half man half badger with evil intentions.

Prank Phone Call

Released: 23 January 2005

Do you ever receive telephone calls where there’s nothing but silence at the other end? Chances are this is who is calling you.

The Birth of Natty1

Released: 2 October 2004

What is Natty1? Where did he come from? Also, why does he have a number after his name?

The first and second question are answered in this comic. The third question is answered simply with “no idea”.