Comic: Father’s Day

Comic title screen
An anime-style man clenches his fist and grimaces as he makes an 'Nnnnnng!' sound
An anime-style man screams
A close-up view of an anus
A turd begins to emerge from the anus
The turd has been pushed out of the anus and falls
The turd his the water in the toilet and makes a 'doomph!' sound as it splashes down
The man breathes a sigh of relief
The man is sat on the toilet looking out through the bathroom window where an alien spaceship hovers in the night sky
Aboard the alien spaceship two aliens wearing crowns stand looking ahead
The turd in the toilet smiles and says 'I shall make you proud, father.'
End credit screen of the comic
Father's Day comic: picture 01
Father's Day comic: picture 02
Father's Day comic: picture 02
Father's Day comic: picture 04
Father's Day comic: picture 04
Father's Day comic: picture 06
Father's Day comic: picture 07
Father's Day comic: picture 08
Father's Day comic: picture 09
Father's Day comic: picture 10
Father's Day comic: picture 11
Father's Day comic: picture 12
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