
Black and white stencil of Jake Cox

About me

Prepare to be unimpressed.

Bearded man wearing a hat, bumbag, shorts, socks and sandals

Regular artwork

The stuff I create in my spare time (usually on the weekend).

Rugby club wedding venue logo


Sometimes people ask me for help creating logos, leaving cards and – amazingly – even tattoos.

Chrimbo cards

Every year I create a fresh batch of ‘alternative’ Christmas cards.

An old man with combed over hair hunched at a computer


Crudely-drawn webcomics for people with nothing better to do with their time.

Jake carrying two very heavy-looking bags of shopping


All kinds of crap you can waste your money on.

Cartoon of Jake Cox sat at his desk typing

Keyboard ramblings of a bald, bearded berk

An archive of my blog posts, if you want to call them that.