Imagine Santa holding court in the style of a religious fanatic. I did, and here’s what I thought it might look like. Charming, I’m sure you’ll agree.
Art & design by Jake Cox
Imagine Santa holding court in the style of a religious fanatic. I did, and here’s what I thought it might look like. Charming, I’m sure you’ll agree.
Santa has assembled a formidable bunch of rogues to fight the evil forces of The Puritans whose agenda of oppression even includes the banning of Christmas. Not on this crew’s watch!
The annual tradition continues of creating at least one ‘black metal’ album cover-style design. Here the wintry Santa demon devours some sweet, sweet soul food.
There’s no time to lose in making sure these gifts reach their intended recipients. Nothing shall slow Santa down. Not clothing. Not even his own flesh.
Aaaaw! Nice. The other annual tradition of creating at least one design which is unlikely to give children nightmares or give them cause to ask a grown-up awkward questions. It’s perfectly simple; Santa needs a hat, but which one?