Natty1’s new home
A new picture to celebrate Natty1 moving into his new home.
Art & design by Jake Cox
A new picture to celebrate Natty1 moving into his new home.
A boy becomes a man and meets two of his childhood favourites… sort of.
This year Jon Jon is taking on an ‘icon’ of professional wrestling.
This year’s batch of ‘alternative’ Christmas cards have arrived.
Here’s a quick pic to get you in the festive mood.
A quick doodle which illustrates the dilemma faced by many this year.
A new bird-based design added to my shop.
I see no reason why the 5th November should go unappreciated.
Halloween falls on a Saturday this year but there’s sod all to do socially at the moment.
A quick Sunday scribble, suitable for this time of year I suppose.
Phew! I was asked to create a leaving card at short notice, especially when only counting weekends.
Today a man sits at home with a sore leg as his new tattoo settles in.
A quick Sunday series of sketches that I suppose could be considered a comic (albeit a rather naff one).
A quick scribble style design I created this week that I liked enough not to delete straight away.
Christmas is just around the corner (a very wide corner that takes about four months to go round).
I’m slowly bringing all of my comics across from my old site to this one.
A quick picture I created this morning to sum up the year 2020 thus far.
It recently came to my attention that the search facility on here was rather crap.
I’m not one for blogging so I’ll likely just use this feature to keep a rambling incoherent log of updates.